Saturday Morning Picture Books? In our modern day of book apps and trailers, the line between picture book illustration and animation is becoming more and more blurred. Because Lazy Saturday Afternoon is going to be made into both these things I have to approach the illustrations in a different way. Similar in fact to how […]
Image Reimagination
Reworking the Old into Something New From the Studio #5 Sometimes you create and image and love it then come back years later and wounder why you did. Other times you abandon it part way through because something just doesn’t look right or you just plain hate it. You then come back and decide it […]
Steampunk Avatar
It’s a stylized old portrait of me and our studio kitty Crash the Stampede in Steampunk Victorian wear. This image was intended for Illustration Friday’s topic “Old Fashioned” but I had too much client work to get it done in time. You can watch the evolution of the artwork below [tabs slidertype=”images” auto=”yes”][imagetab width=”400″ height=”500″][/imagetab] […]
Last year I did this painting of Spike, the Rose Goblin from my friend Seanan McGuire’s book Rosemary and Rue. I decided to rework the illustration for this weeks Illustration Friday’s topic Spooky. You can buy the book here, it’s awesome! This image was a speed paint completed in approx. 5 hours. Here’s another version […]
Behind the Process
From the Studio 4 Wherever I go whether it’s online or at one of the many events we attend people are always asking about how I make my illustrations. I recently did this image for Illustration Friday’s topic Beneath so I thought I would you it to talk about my illustration process. The Idea First […]
My entry for Illustration Friday’s topic Beneath. I recently went to the Academy of Sciences in San Francisco and in their Rainforests of the World exhibit they have a section where the fish swim over you. The photos I took inspired this image. I mean how often do you get to see fish swimming above […]